If you would like to help any of the postings below. Take note of their 6 digit 2Hands username which is the 6 numbers after the Posted By sentence. Once you have written down their 2Hands username and taken note of the city they live in, complete the form found on this page.
You can also use this search tool below to input a specific city or keyword within a state to narrow down postings of those you would like to view and possibly help.
PLEASE NOTE: If you see no results or very few, please understand that we operate yearly from October 1st through December 31st. If you are checking not long after October 1st – Please check back often and thank you for being part of 2Hands!
by Ltoria
Hi, my name is Lauren and my one year old daughter and I relied heavily on her father who is no longer here. We have no extended family and I...
- My City: Johnson City