Hello hoping this finds you all well and happy, A little about myself my name is Kim I am 56 yr old grandmother who has been raising 3 grand babies (15,7,6 ) they are my world. last June 2023 I was diagnosed with uteral(endometrial cancer) cancer it had spread to other parts of my body then I had a colonoscopy done the same week and 10 days later we received a devastating call from my Dr they found colon cancer also though small it was there I broke down I screamed at the world why me I had already been fighting a losing battle with diabetes 2 costing me to slowly lose my eyesight and kidney damage and now this its just to much I wanted to give up but I could not my babies need me they told me that with my other issues and this even with chemo its still a 4 yr probability of life so here i sit taking 17 pils a day and 6 shots daily 1 of the shots is to help me digest my food thats a whole different story I cry everyday alone and I hurt so bad at times I just lay in bed while babies at school I never let them see how bad it is I am praying with al my heart that someone can adopt us for Christmas and give my babies a joyful Christmas since last year we missed Christmas and birthdays this year please please can any one help I get weaker daily due to chemo which makes me very sick and weak
- Listing ID: 10564
- My City: Grand Rapids